Gratitude Diary

A gratitude diary can change your whole life, and it only takes a couple of minutes each day. I show you how to do it, what to expect, and what scientific research is being done.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Find the Positive

Find the positive -- in any situation. Ask yourself, "What's right about this?"

When the relatives are being impossible, notice your niece's adorable dress. When slaving over a hot stove, remember when you had a blackout and couldn't cook at all. When the electricity bill comes in, be grateful for the heating/cooling it gave you. When you pick up the latest virus going round, be thankful you can have a couple of days in bed! (Visit to find out how to stop getting sick).

You get the drift. Finding the positive in any situation changes your attitude, lightens up your life, and attracts more good things to you. Remember to record them all in your gratitude diary!


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