Gratitude Diary

A gratitude diary can change your whole life, and it only takes a couple of minutes each day. I show you how to do it, what to expect, and what scientific research is being done.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Realize there is an opportunity in every experience.

There are no accidents in life. You are the creator of all of it. Health, joy, and freedom are actually natural and part of your true nature, regardless of what your life may look like at this moment.

Whenever you are not experiencing health, joy, and freedom, or if your peace is disturbed in any other way, it is helpful to remind yourself “I do not know what this means. I don’t know how to respond to this, but I am willing to see the opportunity here. What is the opportunity here?” and then, see it and act on it, whatever it is.

If you try this, and make this practice a habit, your life will literally transform itself into a wonderful series of opportunities for greater health, joy, and freedom.

With gratitude from The Secrets of My Success at


  • At 5:37 PM, Blogger Raymond said…

    I am grateful to you for the mention from my "Secrets of My Success" in your Gratitude Diary. I personally can attest to the power of a gratitude. Thank you for the connection.


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