Gratitude Diary

A gratitude diary can change your whole life, and it only takes a couple of minutes each day. I show you how to do it, what to expect, and what scientific research is being done.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

How To Pay Bills With a Smile on Your Face

We all hate that time of month where we sit down and pay all our bills, watching the bank account go down, or the credit card go up.

Like attracts like, so when you feel awful paying bills, you'll attract more of that.

So here's a simple way to turn that around next time you pay a bill :

Before you pay it, sit down and write out all the good things that this product or service did or is doing for you. What did it enable you to do? What would have happened if you didn't have it? Did it help you to achieve something? What did you learn? Are there benefits for the future ?

Smile while you're writing, and you'll soon start feeling grateful for this product or service.

An example is your electricity bill. I'm always grateful when I pay it, because electricity enables me to cook, to play CDs, to have long hot showers, read at night, watch TV, cool or warm the house, keep my food fresh, use my computer and make a living. WOW! Where would I be without it?

Now that you're feeling grateful or amazed, now pay for it. If writing a cheque, add a smiley face to it. If paying online, say "thank you".

Sure beats feeling sour about it!


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