Gratitude Diary

A gratitude diary can change your whole life, and it only takes a couple of minutes each day. I show you how to do it, what to expect, and what scientific research is being done.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

what Are You Attracting?

An attitude of gratitude is important in engaging the Law of Attraction. The more you appreciate what you have the more that you will receive to be appreciative of.

It sounds simple and yet many people complicate their lives by looking for only "great" things to be thankful for. We can be just as grateful for the simple things in our lives that we take for granted – sunsets, water on tap, hot showers, our health, friends, little things people do for us.

The more you are grateful, the more you get. .What are YOU grateful for? Remember, like attracts like….what are you attracting?


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