Gratitude Diary

A gratitude diary can change your whole life, and it only takes a couple of minutes each day. I show you how to do it, what to expect, and what scientific research is being done.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Attract Lots of Money!

If you've been keeping your Gratitude Diary faithfully, and attracting more good things into your life, you may be now asking yourself this question. What will my life be like when money is unlimited? And what does it take for me to accomplish this outcome?

The Secret DVD) has a free ecourse you can sign up for, called “7 Steps For a Winning Life”, and a home study journey that begins with The Science of Success. He says success and Harmonic Wealth® are guaranteed when you understand the Laws of the Universe... His

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Say “No” to Negativity

When negative beliefs come up via your self talk, try saying :

“Up until now…”, once you realise you are experiencing negativity. This will help replace the old thought for a positive, new one.

Here is what it would look like :

Your old self talk : “I’ll never be successful”
Your new self talk : “I haven’t been successful up until now. Now what I want to create is……………….. and I believe it’s possible”

This is an excerpt from a wonderful book, called :
Divine Intuition – Your Guide to Creating a Life You Love” by Lynn A. Robinson.
It is a truly inspirational book, and has a warm, caring feel to it.
I turn to it often, when I need some guidance or nurturing.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Science Of Getting Rich - Free Copy

"It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich." Wallace D Wattles

The Science of Getting Rich states that the ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor.

Grab your free copy of "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D Wattles.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Here’s a fun thing to try! Write one thing to be grateful for each letter of the alphabet. Especially good for Thanksgiving.

I am grateful for:

A: Assistance from ………..

B: Bird sounds that I hear every morning

C: Cool rain after a hot day

You get the idea. How creative can you be??
Don't forget to smile while you write!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Does Your Partner Irritate You?

A Gratitude Diary can help your relationships too. Are you often noticing things that you don't like about your partner? Do you find that you are irritated by the things they do or don't do? You can learn to shift your focus away from the things you don't like onto the things that you do like and all of a sudden you will realise that either those niggles stop bothering you or that they will disappear altogether.

In your Gratitude Diary, write down at least 5 things that you do like or love about your partner, and feel gratitude as you write them.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Changing Your Beliefs (2)

This came to me in a blink, so I’m running with it to see where it will go…

All our beliefs exist to protect us from pain, and therefore as opportunities arise, we turn them down, or sabotage them. The ultimate protection would be to exist in a place of no pain at all – hiding under a table somewhere wrapped in cotton wool. You can see that this also denies us happiness and joy. It would be pretty boring under that table, even if there is no pain. No, we must work out a way to change our negative beliefs so that they still serve us, and change our attitudes to more positive ones.

Instead of working out what the belief is, which in a way strengthens it (!), think of situations in your life that had a not good outcome, or didn’t feel good at the time. To protect you from this next time, you probably drew a conclusion from it that became a belief that is now working against you. For any given situation, there are more than just one conclusion, so be flexible here. Remembering the situation, what other conclusions can you come to?

For example : A female has just been hit by a man, as the result of a violent argument that escalated out of control. The conclusion she reached afterwards is that all men are b******s. This becomes a belief that now denies her a good relationship with a man. In fact, she now only attracts b*****s, because subconsciously she has to prove herself right. So she only attracts bad relationships that strengthen her belief.

However, other conclusions could be : Everybody has their breaking point. If I goad a man long enough he’ll hit me. Raising my voice in anger leads to disastrous results. Any of these conclusions woud serve her better, as they would stop her from arguing in the future, and she would have to find alternative ways to resolve issues.

So, now go back to the situation you are remembering, think of some other conclusions you could have reached. Make sure they have some value that will help you in the future, not hinder you. Pick one or two, and make them your own. Don’t discard your original one, but allow it to soften by repeating the new belief everyday to yourself, with the memory of the situation. Eventually, the old one will be replaced.

This is the choice we have, to be a victim, or a victor. To choose to stay with a belief that keeps us in victim mode, and is therefore a negative belief, or to choose a new belief that will empower us.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Changing your Beliefs

To be able to receive more good things, events and people into your life, it may be necessary to change any negative beliefs you have.
Here is the technique taught to me :

Stage 1
First you need to work out what they are. Look at your results, listen to what your inner voice is saying, and notice what you say to others. Ask your friends and family too, sometimes they know you better than yourself, or can see an aspect of you that you can’t. Keep some paper and a pen with you at all times, and stay attuned to this task. Every time you notice a belief, jot it down.

Stage 2
I used a speadsheet on the computer for this part, as it got quite messy, however, paper is fine too. Draw up 4 columns. In the first, write down one of the beliefs you have noted. In the second column, write what you would like to change the belief to. What is the opposite of the negative belief? Do not use negative words in this. Reword it to be a positive statement.

Stage 3

In the third column, write down a time or event in your life when this new belief was true for you. Yes, you heard right. This is the hard part. If you hold the belief that no-one loves you, for example, then go back and recall a time when someone, anyone, showed you an act of kindness that would indicate love. Never mind their motivation, that doesn’t matter for this exercise. Can you think of any others? You see, precisely because of that belief, we tend to block out anything or anyone that doesn’t fit in with that belief. So spend some time remembering. Look at old calendars to help you, or scrap books, or photo albums. Ask people you know, or go into meditation. This is the crucial step in changing your belief.
We hold our beliefs because events prove them. Because the events prove them, we hold the beliefs. So this pattern must be interrupted, and this is done by proving that the new belief is also true. By doing this, we break the hold and disempower the old belief.

Stage 4

Use the new belief as an affirmation. Write it on a card and read it to yourself several times a day. Each time you do, recall the event that proves it.

Stage 5 (optional)
You may find too many beliefs to cope with at once. You can either handle 2 or 3 at a time, or you may want to go over your list, and see if you can group any together to reduce their number. There may be several for example that essentially say “no-one loves me”. You can then combine them, leaving just the one to deal with.

I had a wonderful life coach who showed me this technique, and I did a lot of work on it. In doing so, I discovered that I didn’t believe this technique would work for me. Talk about self-sabotage!

So I decided to test it out on something that wasn’t important. I had the belief that all drivers of front wheel cars were inconsiderate on the road. In my experience, they had no qualms about cutting in in front of other cars, parking haphazardly to take up 2 spots instead of 1, and not giving way to other drivers.This was not an important belief, more an annoying one.

So I changed it to “front wheel drivers are considerate on the road”. My inner voice was saying “yeah, right” sarcastically, however I remembered one time when one was considerate to me, letting me in when 2 lanes merged. So I focussed on that. That very night, proving how quickly this technique can work, I was crossing a dimly lit street on foot, when a front wheel drive car appeared. It stopped for me while I was still in the middle of the road, and not on a pedestrian crossing – I was amazed! The technique works!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Are you Good at Receiving?

How much do you allow yourself to receive, and have, before you feel guilty, afraid, or withdraw? If you believe you are not good enough, or don’t deserve it, then even though the Universe is trying to give us things (because we are practising gratitude) your beliefs will stop you from receiving these things.

Did you grow up hearing your parents tell you that money doesn’t grow on trees? Well-meaning as your parents were, if you still hold that belief, and others like it, then it is possible to negate the law of attraction that gratitude invokes. What you end up doing each time fortune is about to smile upon you, is to sabotage yourself or the events (consciously or unconsciously) that would have resulted in that good fortune.

Additionally, the more we have grown up believing we need to be independent to be successful, the worse we are at receiving. We’re very good at giving, however! But think about this – if we are all giving, then who is there to do the receiving?
Not receiving is really just another guilt trap set up by ourselves to protect our belief about independence and our lack of self worth.

You can discover/uncover what your beliefs are by looking at your results, by listening to what your inner voice is saying, and by noticing what you say to others. It can take some time and effort to uncover your beliefs, however, it is well worth it, if you suspect you are being held back by them.

For example, you may hold a belief that no-one loves you. This makes it difficult for anyone to love you, and since you must prove yourself right all the time (and we all do that), you push people away from you so that no-one loves you. Voila! You were right again! That is self –sabotage. Our beliefs dictate our lives very powerfully.

Imagine if you turned this power around to work for you instead of against you? Tomorrow I’ll go into how to change your negative beliefs.

Sunday, November 12, 2006



Virtually everything in our society tells us, reminds us, and insists, that we are limited, aging “creatures”, who live our lives between luck and fate, in a hard, unforgiving world. The whole world wants you to believe suffering and sacrifice are normal.

So how come some people get the lucky breaks, and some people seem to constantly land on their feet, while others have to struggle and scrimp just to survive? Are these people smarter than you? Are they more deserving than you? Have they paid greater dues than you? No! They're actually living in ways that ENGAGE life's principles so that the Universe begins serving them.

These same principles are now at play in your own life, whether you know what they are or not, and they are ridiculously easy to use. You don’t have to understand how these principles work, nor the processes. Just know how POWERFUL they are, and how powerful YOU yourself are.
By identifying, understanding and harnessing them... you can access the power that literally turns wishes into reality.

Learn and read more about this at Infinite Possibilities : The Art of Living Your Dreams, by Mike Dooley.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Unconditional Success

This is a very appropriate excerpt from an excellent book, “Unconditional Success” by Nick Williams.

As the maxim goes, we don’t know what we’ve got till it’s gone. We are often grateful in retrospect, sometimes only when we’ve lost something. We can learn to be more grateful in the present moment, and even ahead of time. We can give thanks for what we have now, and what we will have.

We can easily put off gratitude, thinking : “When I have more or when I am more successful, I’ll be more grateful”. It’s always a when thing, not a now thing. Obviously I don’t know you, but I imagine you have a reasonable life – food to eat, a roof over your head, friends,family, employment, clothes. But you may not see it that way. Sometimes we need some contrast, a different perspective, to show us how fortunate we are. When I went to India in 1995, I came back with a profound sense of gratitude, realizing how blessed I was in comparison to the majority of the world’s population.

Gratitude can be used as a guilt trip – you should be grateful for food with half the world starving; you shouldn’t want more when so many have so little. This is not the kind of gratitude I’m talking about. I mean the willingness and ability to feel truly blessed, to accept with an open heart the goodness of what you have.

Gratitude is a positive state. It’s hard to be grateful and depressed at the same time, or grateful and unhappy, or grateful and cynical. Gratitude transforms so much negativity in our lives.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Gratitude is Infectious

Gratitude, closely aligned with happiness, is infectious. Friends will ask what’s happening with you –what good fortune is making you this way? Explain to them about your gratitude diary, and the results you are getting. Because keeping a gratitude diary is easy to do, hopefully your friends will start one as well. Everyone will be happier! They will understand totally when you say to them “I’m grateful” when something happens. Joy shared is double joy.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Our Pets Show us the Way

I am in awe of my cat. She teaches me many things as I observe her. She lives entirely in the Now, in the Present. She is grateful for all attention she receives, and shows her gratitude with her responses of affection. She is never cross if she is woken up – just delighted to see me! If I am away for for a couple of days, she follows me everywhere for the next couple of days, like a dog. And the more grateful she is for me, the more grateful I am for her. Truly inspirational, to observe gratitude at work in this way.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Achieving Prosperity

It is a fundamental law of the universe that what we focus on, grows. If we continually think about what we lack, that is what will grow for us. To achieve real prosperity we must learn to focus on what we have. Feeling gratitude for what we have is one of the most powerful techniques for achieving prosperity. It's the feelings that are important, they must be genuine.
Feel grateful, and receive more things to be grateful for.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The 'L I T T L E' things

I received this in an email today, and although you may have seen it before, I feel it is very relevant to this blog's theme.

As you might know, the head of a company survived 9/11 because
his son started kindergarten.

Another fellow was alive because it was
his turn to bring donuts.

One woman was late because her
alarm clock didn't go off in time.

One was late because of being
stuck on the NJ Turnpike because of an auto accident.

One of them
missed his bus.

One spilled food on her clothes and had to take
time to change.

car wouldn't start.

One went back to
answer the telephone.

One had a
child that dawdled

and didn't get ready as soon as he should have.

One couldn't
get a taxi.

The one that struck me was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, took the various means to get to work but before he got there, he developed a blister on his foot. He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid. That is why he is alive today.

Now when I am stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn back to answer a ringing telephone... all the little things that annoy me.
I think to myself, this is exactly where I’m meant to be at this very moment..

Next time your morning seems to be going wrong, the children are slow getting dressed, you can't seem to find the car keys, you hit every traffic light, don't get mad or frustrated; Be glad – there’s a reason!

May you continue to feel gratitude for all those annoying little things and may you remember their possible purpose.